Our View: Federal stimulus checks should not increase state taxes

Link: https://www.bluemountaineagle.com/coronavirus/our-view-federal-stimulus-checks-should-not-increase-state-taxes/article_5efb3986-7ae2-11eb-9c94-e30cd7275f13.html


The federal stimulus checks helped a lot of Oregonians out when they needed it. And it is also going to help out Oregon government — about $100 million in federal stimulus payments is going to wind up in the state treasury.

The federal government is not taxing the stimulus payments. In Oregon, they are not taxed as income, either. But the payments can impact the federal tax calculations used on your Oregon income tax. And so the stimulus payment may mean you owe state tax on more of your income and wind up paying more taxes or get a reduced refund.

Does that sound right to you? The stimulus checks sure seemed to be aimed at helping individuals, not helping state government.

Author(s): Editorial board

Publication Date: 2 March 2021

Publication Site: Blue Mountain Eagle