Damschroder: Ohio teachers pension mauled by Panda

Link: https://www.thenews-messenger.com/story/news/2021/03/03/damschroder-ohio-teachers-pension-mauled-panda/6883736002/


The Ohio Retirement Study Council (ORSC) revived oversight theater, a suit and tie simulation of supervising the $200 billion state pensions. In the first act, ORSC started the process for fiduciary audits of the teachers and police and fire pensions a mere five years after their legal deadline.


In reality, STRS has recent evidence that alternative investments come with the risk of massive losses. The Ohio teachers’ pension was one of the first investors in Dallas-based Panda Power. Panda is a merchant generator building plants run by cheap shale gas to produce more profitable electricity. The business model collapsed when utility regulators did not approve anticipated rates. Panda’s bankruptcy filing showed debt of $400 million against cash on hand of $2,000.

Author(s): John Damschroder

Publication Date: 3 March 2021

Publication Site: Fremont News Messenger