
In January the Department Of Finance will issue the Governor’s Budget for 2022-23. No section will be more important than theĀ Stress Test, which forecasts revenue losses in the event of a stock market decline such as in 2001-3 and 2008-9.
Last January, the Governor’s Budget forecast revenue losses of $100 billion. Just two years earlier, the 2019-20 Governor’s Budget forecast losses of $50 billion. That makes sense because, as DOF explains, “the higher levels and valuations in the stock market increase the risk of a large stock market drop leading to a large decline in capital gains revenues” on which California is extraordinarily dependent.
Schools and other services need predictable annual funding. You should build reserves to the levels predicted by stress tests.
Author(s): David Crane
Publication Date: 5 Dec 2021
Publication Site: Govern for California (Mail Chimp)